Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Little Amazing You

Hi Honey!

I'm at work and thinking about you.  You have been changing so much over the past few weeks.  It's incredible!

You're sitting up, albeit with a little help.  You have become incredibly talkative -- we can hardly wait for you to have words!  You are so busy exploring your world with your hands, feet, and mouth!  You are just amazing to watch!

We so enjoyed your first Christmas.  I think you may have been a bit overwhelmed by it all and that's okay.  There was so much activity!  And you got to try a new food -- sweet potatoes!  You seemed to really enjoy them which is great because they are very good for you.  :)

We took you sailing on Boxing Day (the day after Christmas).  You did a lot of sleeping and snacking, but we think you enjoyed being on the boat.  You certainly looked cool in your sunglasses.  Daddy and I look forward to more sailing trips and teaching you all about boats (sail and motor).

We love you endlessly, little one.  You bring us such joy it is indescribable.  Your smile brightens our lives and cuddling with you is possibly the best thing we do on any given day.  And while we miss your sister terribly, you help us heal and remember her and imagine what she would be like right now.  For that we are so grateful.  We have two angels in our lives -- one for us to watch over and one watching over us.

I hope you're having a good day today sweetie.  I cannot stop thinking about you and can hardly wait to get home to you this evening.

Love you!!!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hi Cutie

Hi Cutie!

Oh how I'm missing you!  Being back at work is tough for your mommy.  I'm busy and that's good, but I think about you constantly and wonder what you're doing. 

Did you and Judith go for a walk today?  Did you read books?  Did you play some more in the jungle?

My work day is winding down to an end and I cannot wait to get home to you. 

It seems that you are very attuned to the sun.  When it is up, you seem to be very active and engaged.  But when it goes down, you are quick to fall asleep and will generally stay asleep until morning with only a few moments of awakedness to eat or get a fresh diaper.

It gets dark so early this time of year. It's been very dark for nearly an hour now.  I hope you'll be able to wake up and play with me for at least a few minutes.  If not, we'll cuddle and you can snack and then sleep in my arms.

The good news is that tomorrow is Friday.  That means Daddy and I only have one more day of work before we get to spend the weekend with you.

We love you!


Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hi my little Pumpkin Muffin,

I heard you were a brave baby girl at the doctor today and only cried for a minute when getting your shots. I'm sorry I wasn't there to cuddle you afterwards, but I know that daddy took good care of you and made you feel better.  Just know that I was thinking about you all day long.

I love you.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Memorizing Morgen

My dearest Morgen -

Once again you are asleep in your swing.  You look so peaceful.

As I sit here writing this I'm stealing glances at you and trying to memorize this moment in time; the occasional coo, your hands resting gently on your tummy, the sudden and short-lived flinch that raises your hands into the air only to slowly float down to rest once again on your tummy, your pudgy toes begging to be squeezed.

Tomorrow I go back to work.  I'm looking forward to getting back into things, but I am going to miss you terribly.  I know I've been away from you for a few hours at a time on multiple occasions, but tomorrow will be different.  Tomorrow is the start of getting back to "normal" and working my way up to being gone eight hours a day, five days a week.  If we could afford it, I would be a stay home mom because being your mom is the best things I've ever done with my life.

I'm sure you'll have fun with Judith and that she will take good care of you.  But know that I'm only a few miles away and if something happens, all Judith has to do is call and I'll come home.

You are the love of my life, sweet Morgen.


Thursday, September 29, 2011


My sweet Morgen --

You've fallen asleep again while nursing.  This time you have a mouthful of breast milk which is now dribbling out of the corners of your mouth and down my side to eventually drip onto the chair.  LOL.

I love you so.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You're Getting So Big!

Hi honey --

We just got home from your pediatrician appointment with Dr. Jeremy.  He says you look great!  He's really pleased with how you're growing and developing.  So am I.

You're rolling over from tummy to back.  Not every time, but you've done it a few times for me now and I imagine you'll be doing it more and more often as the days go on.  Before we know it you'll be rolling over from back to front and crawling.  Oh my!  I cannot wait for you to start crawling.

You weighed 11.5 pounds today.  I think you might weigh a little more than that, but I'm not going to have an argument with his scale again.  You are 22.5" long and your head circumference is 15-7/8".  Oh you are getting so big!!

And yet you are still my little cuddle monkey.

You're sleeping in your swing at the moment.  I think I'm going to head off to the gym.  I have some pent up frustration that I need to channel into something positive.  I'm hoping there is a cuddle session for us this afternoon.

I love you!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

So Many Changes

Hi honey!

You are changing so much every day.  The changes are subtle, but both your daddy and I see them.

You rolled over for the first time last week.  Tuesday, September 6th to be exact.  Your father witnessed it. You have yet to demonstrate these skills for me.  Unless of course you count gravity helping you roll over on the bed after our nap yesterday afternoon.  Yeah...I didn't think so either.  But you are getting close to doing it again.  I think any day now you'll be rolling over regularly.

You have so much more to say these days.  So many coos and squeaks.  We can't get enough of these!  And you are so busy looking everywhere!  I think you are ready to see what this world has to offer.

Today you grabbed hold of a rattle while we were out running errands.  You didn't shake it around, but you did grab hold and you wouldn't let go for a good five minutes.  That's a first!

We are debating whether or not you have begun teething.  You dad thinks so, but I'm not convinced.  Sure, you're drooling a bunch and you seem to really enjoy chomping on your fist, but I think you've just discovered that that fist belongs to you and, "Hey! Look how well it fits in my mouth!"  One of these days I'll check to see if I feel any numbs along your gums and, if I think I do, I'll have Dr. Jeremy confirm next week.  :)

It's hard to believe that I'll be back at work in a little over two weeks.  Part of me wants to be back now so I can be busy, but the other part of me (the smart 99%) wants to stay home with you forever.  I don't want to miss out on a thing!  Alas, I don't have that luxury, but at least the office is close to home.  Once I'm back full time, I'll be able to visit you for lunch.  And with any luck I'll be able to get back to work slowly -- perhaps five hours in office and three from home to start.  We shall see what my boss says later this week.

Tomorrow Oma and Opa are coming to spend the day with you.  I'm taking Judith to Disneyland.  I think you will love Disneyland when you're older, but you're a little too young for it right now.  I'd like you to spend some extra time cuddling them, okay?  They could use it.

And hey!  Look at you now!  Nursing away like the snacktastic baby you are -- I guess some things don't change.  You are going to be so big so soon!

I love you muffin.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

meine Morgen

My dearest Morgen --

As I write this you are sleeping soundly in your swing.  Peaceful.  Growing!  Unaware of what today will bring.

Your father and I are all too aware of the day's activity.  Your sister's memorial service.  We are celebrating her all too short life.  We will be surrounded by family and friends.  Many are not able to attend but will be with us in spirit, taking the time to think of Sonne at 1 o'clock this afternoon.  It is to be a day of celebration, but I know it will be tinged with sorrow.  Tears for a sweet girl who passed away far too soon.

One day we will have to explain to you what happened and help you understand why your sister is not here.  I only hope that by that day we have an idea of what to say to you.

Today will be hard for us, but we will be holding you close and we will get strength from you.

We love you dearly, little Morgen.
