Thursday, July 25, 2013

Just a quick note

Dearest Morgen --

I just wanted to take a quick moment to tell you how proud I am of you.  You are learning more and more every day and growing up into such a nice little person.

Here are just a few things which I adore:

  • You sing "Happy Birthday" to everything.  Seriously.  Happy Birthday to ladybug cake.  Happy Birthday to finger paint.  Happy Birthday to mommy and daddy and Morgen.  And, my favorite, Happy Birthday to Play-Doh!
  • You climb all around the car when we get home from school.  I back the car into the driveway and then roll all the windows down so you can lean out each one and say "I don't see mailman."
  • Your love of your "new purple croc-a-lockas."
  • Your love of music and dancing and that you are now starting to request the "shoop!" song (The Beatles "Come Together") instead of only "Opa Gangnam Style."
  • Your excitement every morning about going to "Mo's new school."  And I have to admit, I adore that you don't want me to leave when we get there.  I don't like seeing you upset when I leave for work, but I do like the cuddles before I go and that huge smile on your face when I arrive to pick you up in the afternoons.  (I'm just as happy to see you honey!)
  • The way you say "Here you go mommy!" when you hand me something.
  • That you love baths, but love them even more if daddy or I join you in the tub (even if just our feet).
  • That you still prefer to sleep cuddled up with me every night.  You are so peaceful when you sleep and I cannot help but marvel at the little person curled up next to me.
  • That bouncing with daddy on the big blue ball is one of your favorite games.  Your laughter when you play with your daddy is one of the best sounds I have ever heard.
I'm sure I'm forgetting things.  As I write this I'm getting ready to pick you up.  I know you won't want to leave right away, so we will play on the slides or the teeter-totter.  It's going to be lots of fun.

I love you...mommy.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Things You Say

Dearest Morgen --

You have so much to say these days!  Things like:

The "a" sound for "apple."
Ball, baby, book, bonk, baba (instead of Papa), and boob.  
Dada and doll and dog.  
You've tried to say "green" while pointing to a plant, and "hot" while waiting for dinner to cool.
You know that you are a good girl and you often call Fraggle a good girl, even though we know she misbehaves quite a bit.
You're learning to say light.  
There's more and mouth. 
There's Nana and no (usually said as "no no").

You also know the sounds that elephants, monkeys, puppies, and snakes make.

There are times when you whisper in my ear, telling me the most elaborate stories.  Soon words will replace the sounds and inflections and I can only imagine the fun we will have then.

And while all those words are wonderful, there's nothing better than coming home after a long day and hearing you say "Mama" while running to give me a big hug.

I love you.


Thursday, May 31, 2012


My darling Morgen --

I bring my laptop to the office with me so I can listen to music while I work.  It also serves as a digital photo frame, in a sense, because I have the screen saver set up to display pictures.  It's just a nice thing to have because all day long I see pictures of you, Sonne, Daddy, the puppies, and places we have been and the family and friends we know and love.

As the pictures go by, I'm astounded at how much you have changed in just one year.  You were so tiny, so fragile.  Then you grew.  You put on baby fat and grew even cuter.  Then you started to hold up your head, roll over, sit up on your own.  Now you're crawling all over the place, pulling yourself up to stand, and I'm sure that in no time you'll be walking (probably running).

It's just amazing to watch and we so love watching you.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Being Your Mommy

Dearest Morgen --

I am so lucky to be your mommy.

I love watching you explore your world.  You are starting to experience things on your own and it is wonderful.  And still, when you need comfort, you come back to me.

Right now you are sitting on the floor playing with the Baby Bjorn.  Yesterday you managed to remove the "do not remove" tag.  Today I think you are trying to figure out what each strap and button is used for.  There are holes on two of the straps.  You know they have a purpose, but what could that purpose be?  If any baby can figure it out, I know it will be you.

You just paused to smile at me and make a few baby sounds.

I love you so much.

Yesterday your daddy and I took you swimming for the first time.  You sat in your floater and kicked your legs almost the entire time.  We "swam" around the pool with you kicking and splashing all around. Afterwards you fell asleep in my arms poolside.  What a perfect way to spend your 11th month-iversary!

You are growing up so quickly.  I can hardly believe we will be celebrating your birthday a month from now.  Family and friends will be gathered to celebrate you.  It's not going to be an easy time for your daddy or me as we will be missing your sister.  I hope you know, that despite our sadness over the loss of Sonne, we love you and love watching you grow and change.

We absolutely love the person you are becoming.  So inquisitive.  So cuddly.  So unique and wonderful and special.

And, while your birthday will be a special day, know that we celebrate you everyday.  Just being with you is a celebration -- of life, of wonder, of love.

We love you.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our Trip Together

Hello meine Kekse --

What a lovely weekend we spent together as a family.  You were such a good traveller, taking the sights and sounds and experiences in stride.  Four plane trips in three days.  Two long car trips from the Little Rock airport to Hot Springs Village and back.  Countless strangers cooing over you.

I loved how excited you were when you first met your great grandmother.  Smiling and belly laughing for her in ways we had never before witnessed.  When I spoke to her this morning she remarked that you two have a special connection.  I think she's probably right.  

Your daddy and I loved watching you crawl for the first time in GGMa's apartment.  You didn't go very far, but you did it!  It seems you embraced tummy time and rolling finally while visiting Arkansas.  I couldn't believe my eyes as we watched you roll all over her floor.

I had such fun playing with you on Sunday afternoon in our little rental.  Daddy was sleeping and we sat on the floor in the front room.  You were rollings and pushing yourself along the laminate floor trying to catch your cups as I rolled them along.  It was a simply game, but those are often the best.

It was sad leaving GGMa's on Monday.  I hope we will be able to visit her again.  She's quite elderly now and her body causes her a lot of pain, but her mind is quick witted and her spirit still shines.  She thanked us so many times for bringing you to visit and, while I know it was a very special time for her, it was just as special for me.  For me, it was important to introduce you and your daddy to her.  I've probably only had a handful of visits with her over the years, but she is important.  She holds the story of your Nana's story within her.  She has been around for nearly a century and seen so many changes in our world.  She grew up during simpler times and she has a wisdom about her that I hope to one day command.  I hope you will take more time than I to visit with your grandparents when you are older.  They have stories to tell and experiences to share.

Your daddy said that a piece of the puzzle that is me was filled in for him during this visit.  I'm happy to know that he was moved by our trip and thrilled he feels a little closer to me as a result.

For you, while I don't expect you will remember the trip itself, I hope some part of the experience will leave a lasting impression on your person.  Even if that lasting impression simply encourages you to laugh even when you are hurting.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Well Hello!!

My darling Morgen --

I miss you terribly while I am away at work, but I so love coming home to you!  Lately you have had so much to say -- cooing and oohing and aahing.  It's just wonderful to listen to you and watch you try to form your first words.

I love having you reach out your arms to me when I walk up to you.

I love having you give me "kisses."

I love playing our little monkey-see, monkey-do game of imitation.

Simply put...I love you.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Little Amazing You

Hi Honey!

I'm at work and thinking about you.  You have been changing so much over the past few weeks.  It's incredible!

You're sitting up, albeit with a little help.  You have become incredibly talkative -- we can hardly wait for you to have words!  You are so busy exploring your world with your hands, feet, and mouth!  You are just amazing to watch!

We so enjoyed your first Christmas.  I think you may have been a bit overwhelmed by it all and that's okay.  There was so much activity!  And you got to try a new food -- sweet potatoes!  You seemed to really enjoy them which is great because they are very good for you.  :)

We took you sailing on Boxing Day (the day after Christmas).  You did a lot of sleeping and snacking, but we think you enjoyed being on the boat.  You certainly looked cool in your sunglasses.  Daddy and I look forward to more sailing trips and teaching you all about boats (sail and motor).

We love you endlessly, little one.  You bring us such joy it is indescribable.  Your smile brightens our lives and cuddling with you is possibly the best thing we do on any given day.  And while we miss your sister terribly, you help us heal and remember her and imagine what she would be like right now.  For that we are so grateful.  We have two angels in our lives -- one for us to watch over and one watching over us.

I hope you're having a good day today sweetie.  I cannot stop thinking about you and can hardly wait to get home to you this evening.

Love you!!!
